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These resources are meant to help you understand the legal aspects regarding illness, the dying process and death.

Global Resources

Title Type Description Tags
Aging With Dignity - organization that provides 5 wishes booklet Organizations This is the organization that provides the 5 Wishes plus other information and publications. Click here to visit the resource page.
End of Life Article by Clay Evans, Part 1 of 3 parts Boulder Daily Camera columnist Printed Materials Good article - this is the first of a series of 3 articles, mainly dealing with advanced directives and the issues that occur when they are not followed. Click here to visit the resource page.
End of Life Article by Clay Evans, Part 2 of 3 parts Boulder Daily Camera columnist Printed Materials 2nd in a series of 3 articles on Death and Dying. This part covers more detail about advance directives. Click here to visit the resource page.
Hard Choices For Loving People - by Hank Dunn Printed Materials This booklet was written to provide guidance to patients and their families who must face the "hard choices" as they receive and participate in healthcare. It looks at questions like "Shall resuscitation be attempted", "Shall artificial nutrition and hydration be utilized?", "Should a nursing home resident or someone ill at home be hospitalized?", "Is it time to shift the treatment goal from cure to hospice or comfort care only?". This is all looked at with a compassionate and loving view, and yet is clear and to-the-point. In Colorado library
Natural Transitions Magazine Printed Materials NATURAL TRANSITIONS MAGAZINE is the ONLY magazine on CONSCIOUS, HOLISTIC APPROACHES TO END OF LIFE that’s also a forum for professional end-of-life caregivers and families with loved-ones facing end-of-life transition. We are a vehicle for the alternative death care Movement. Click here to visit the resource page.
When Someone Dies - The Practical Guide to the Logistics of Death by Scott Taylor Smith with Michael Castleman Books and Audio Scott Taylor Smith, a venture capitalist and lawyer, had plentiful resources, and yet after his mother died, he made a series of agonizing and costly mistakes in squaring away her affairs. He could find countless books that dealt with caring for the dying and the emotional fallout of death, but very few that dealt with the logistics. In the aftermath of his mother’s death, Smith decided to write the book he wished he’d had. When Someone Dies provides readers with a crucial framework for making good, informed, money-saving decisions in the chaotic thirty days after a loved one dies and beyond. It provides essential, concrete guidance on: • Making funeral and memorial service arrangements • Writing an obituary • Estate planning • Contacting family and friends • Handling your loved one’s online footprint • Navigating probate • Dealing with finances, including trusts and taxation • And much, much more Featuring concise checklists in each chapter, this guide offers answers to practical questions, enabling loved ones to save time and money and focus on healing. Click here to visit the resource page. In Colorado library
Whose Life is it Anyway? - stars Richard Dreyfus Movies Ken Harrison is an artist that makes sculptures. One day he is involved in a car accident, and is paralyzed from his neck. All he can do is talk, and he wants to die. In hospital he make friends with some of the staff, and they support him when he goes to trial to be allowed to die.

US Resources

Title Type Description Tags
Caring for the Dead: Your Final Act of Love - by Lisa Carlson Books and Audio A complete guide for those making funeral arrangements with or without a funeral director. Families, friends, and support groups who want to say goodbye in a meaningful waynot just write a big check to a funeral directorwill find detailed and practical legal information in this unique guide. By taking an active role in funeral and memorial arrangements, families can save thousands of dollars while better serving the emotional needs of loved ones. Caring for The Dead gives the legal requirements of each state, how to obtain and file permits and death certificates, explanations of cremation and embalming, burial procedures, and other necessary information. Readers learn how to shop for the best services at the most reasonable prices, while avoiding fraudulent and deceptive mortuary practices. This landmark book helps readers take control of one of life's most intimate experiencesthe final act of love for a friend or relative.
Compassion and Choices Organizations Compassion & Choices works with individuals and allied organizations throughout America to: Make aid in dying an open, legitimate option recognized throughout the medical field and permitted in more states. Increase patient control and reduce unwanted interventions at the end of life. Pass additional laws ensuring full information and access to all end-of-life care options. Normalize accurate, unbiased language throughout the end-of-life choice discussion (“aid in dying” instead of “assisted suicide”). Establish aid in dying as a prime motivator in voter decision-making. Support the expansion of the end-of-life choice movement and exert a leadership role in it. Click here to visit the resource page. Non Profit Organization
National Home Funeral Alliance Organizations We are a group of home funeral educators, guides and advocates all across the United States who have formed a non-profit alliance for the purpose of educating the consumer about the intrinsic value of a home funeral. We also promote education and community building among home funeral guides, green funeral advocates, and all those who support the rights of families and communities to care for their own dead. Click here to visit the resource page. Non Profit Organization
Rest of Your Life Planning Organizations This site provides an interactive organizational system that walks you through all of the documentation and information necessary for you to plan your life and healthy aging. Click here to visit the resource page.
Seven Ponds Organizations Website set up to provide a wide array of information regarding preparation for death and dying - practical considerations, legal forms and requirements, etc. Click here to visit the resource page.

Colorado Resources

Title Type Description Tags
"Senior Answers" resource guide for seniors in Colorado Organizations This website is maintained by the Colorado Gerontological Society. It includes general resources for seniors, as well as legal and medical information. It includes, Health, Long Term Care, Mental Health, Medicare, Home Care, Family Caregiving, etc. Click here to visit the resource page. Non Profit OrganizationFree Service
Colorado Center for Hospice and Palliative Care Organizations This is a "for profit" group whose mission is to promote palliative end of life care. Possibly useful. Includes a power point presentation introducing Hospice Care. Also information of advance care planning and directives. Click here to visit the resource page.
Dying: A difficult subject, a vital conversation - newspaper article Denver Post Printed Materials Good article about end of life issues and decisions to be made. Includes discussion about advance directives. Click here to visit the resource page.
Iris Project Organizations Great resource for forms like medical directives, living wills, medical durable power of attorney, CPR directives for the State of Colorado. Click here to visit the resource page.
Your Right to Make Healthcare Decisions Printed Materials This booklet informs you about your right to make healthcare decisions, including the right to accept or refuse medical treatment. It provides you with ready-to-use forms on which to record your decisions about medical treatment and your choice of the person you want to make decisions for you when you cannot. These forms, and any written instructions you make ahead of time about your medical treatment, are called advance directives. This booklet explains these different directives. This booklet is specific to Colorado, USA, but the information may be similar to other states and countries. The CLSG keeps copies of these available for people.

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